Blackey Deathproof

Blackey Deathproof
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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Death to all but METAL!!!!!! Part 2

Sorry, my tab doesnt let me go over a certain amount of space. But any way, I went to the show with friend Anthony Ventura and his friend Kristin, who was awesome enough to snag tickets last min and drive that night. My boy Billy Kaboom and his friend Jorell had my ticket waiting for me at the place.we first made a stop at a bar down the road to grab ant and kristins tix and pre game with some toasty dudes who wanted to buy everyone drinks and take pix with Anthony.Anthony was a big hit that night for wearing an out landish wig ang rock costume.He has worn the outfit resently when he saw steal panther in cali and hoped the band would notice him. He kind of looked like cary grants homelesss bastard rocker son with jacked up twisted sister fro. God bless my wonderfull friends who keep me forever smiling.The ladies couldnt get enough of him in that wig, and neither could other dudes with a simalar get up.they all posed in fake band photos. Billy Jorell and I creeped and scoped the area during turn over. The boys had to grab a few drinks before the band went on.Once panther started,Billy and I used our sexy miget powers to slither our way to the front. These are the times im happy to be five ft tall. The rest of the gang followed shortly after and we enjoyed an hour and a half of rockin out ang flashers. I follow a rule when it comes to these shows that is pretty logical but find many dumb girls dont follow. If your not plannin on flashin on stage DO NOT RAISE YOUR HAND OR MAKE A SPECTIcAL OF YOURSELF. You end up looking like a tool getting up there all snooty and mopey and when they give you the alternitive to stage dive or chug your beer...please just do it or not go up to begin with. It is for this reason I hide when they grab girls up and I wasnt drinking so I had no beer to c. However twards then e end of the show, billy was a kick of my rutine of heavy head banging to hiding when when mike starr would reach his hand out... So what does a goid friend do?

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